IHC Resolutions
IHC Resolutions
Resolution I - RFs
Section 1.
This resolution shall constitute the official IHC policy concerning RFs and shall be considered in effect immediately upon ratification by the IHC.
Section 2.
All RFs committed by one House against another House are to be signed by the House responsible for the RF. Any note claiming House responsibility left in a conspicuous place in the RFed House shall be acceptable for the purpose of this section.
Section 3.
The president of the RFing House shall know about the RF in advance of the event, and shall approve of the RF before it takes place.
Section 4.
Institute property shall not be the object of an RF against a House. ASCIT property shall not be the object of an RF.
Section 5.
The IHC shall have jurisdiction over RFs between Houses and is specifically empowered to act as it sees fit in matters concerning the RFing of one House by another. The IHC shall not have jurisdiction over, nor will it concern itself with, any RF other than RFs committed by one House against another.
Section 6.
RFs shall not damage or deface property. House property removed from their House location as the object of an RF must be returned to the offended House by the offending house within two weeks of the RF.
Specifically exempted from RFs are the Blacker dining hall tapestry, the Fleming House Bell, the Fleming Cannon, the wall-sized Fleming Flag, the Lloyd House Portrait, the Page House Portrait, the Page House Nixon Poster, the Page House Pool Tables and Pool Equipment, the Lloyd House Gong, the Dabney House Tarot Card Murals, the Avery House Canvas Murals, the Ricketts House Pool Tables, the Ricketts House Speakers, Venerable House Crest Banner, Venerable House Grant D. Venerable Portrait, Blacker House Piano, and Venerable Fleets.
The items are to be exempted from RFs to the varying degrees listed below.
Blacker House Dining Hall Tapestry - The Blacker House Dining Hall Tapestry is not to be touched or interacted with in any manner.
Fleming House Bell - The Fleming House Bell is not to be touched or interacted with in any manner. In cases involving a violation of the RF policy against the Fleming House Bell, PNGing the offender from their own House for one or more terms shall be considered as recommended punishment.
Fleming House Cannon - The Fleming House Cannon is not to be interacted with in any manner that can interfere with its firing (i.e.- placing objects in or modifying the barrel). This includes a prohibition against moving the Fleming House Cannon.
Fleming House Flag - The Fleming House Flag is not to be stolen. RFs may be perpetrated upon the Fleming House Flag, so long as the Fleming House Flag itself is not moved from its resting location.
Lloyd House Portrait - The Lloyd House Portrait is not to be interacted with in any manner.
Page House Portrait - The Page House Portrait is not to be interacted with in any manner.
Page House Nixon Poster - The Page House Nixon Poster is not to be interacted with in any manner.
Page House Pool Tables and Pool Equipment - The Page House Pool Tables and Pool Equipment are not to be interacted with in any way that may compromise the ability for the pool tables to be used and for pool to be played.
Lloyd House Gong - The Lloyd House gong is not to be removed or permanently altered.
Dabney House Tarot Card Murals - The Dabney House Tarot Card Murals are not to be interacted with in any manner.
Avery House Canvas Murals - The Avery House Canvas Murals are not to be removed or permanently altered.
Ricketts House Pool Tables - The Ricketts House Pool Tables are not to be interacted with in any way that may compromise the ability for the pool tables to be used.
Ricketts House Speakers - The Ricketts House Speakers are not to be interacted with in any manner.
Venerable House Crest Banner - The Venerable House Crest Banner is not to be permanently altered or destroyed. If it is removed, it must be returned within a week of removal.
Venerable House Grant D. Venerable Portrait - The Venerable House Grant D. Venerable Portrait is not to be touched or interacted with in any manner.
Blacker House Piano - The Blacker House Piano is not to be removed or permanently altered.
Venerable House Fleets - The Venerable House Fleets are not to be removed without permission from the Fleet Master (Fleet Master's email: fleetmaster@venerable.caltech.edu).
Venerable House Throne - The Venerable House Throne is not to be permanently altered.
Venerable House Aquarium - The Venerable House Aquarium is not to be removed or permanently altered.
Section 7.
In the event of an intentional violation of this policy, the IHC will meet to discuss the violation and will recommend a line of punishment to the Deans. Recommended punishment can range from mandatory community service (to be performed in the offended House) to a suggested leave of absence from Caltech (for extreme offenses). The president of the offended House shall have a power of veto over any suggested punishment. Should the president of the offended House use this power of veto, no matter what other circumstances exist, the IHCs recommendation to the Deans shall be that of no punishment.
Resolution II - Food Service Committee
Section 1.
The student Food Service Committee is responsible for gathering, assimilating, and communicating constructive student input regarding all aspects of the food service.
Section 2.
The Food Service Committee is a sub-committee of the IHC and shall consist of a representative from each of the undergraduate Houses, one representative from the Bechtel Residence appointed by the Food Service Committee, one representative from Marks and Braun houses appointed by the Food Service Committee, and a Chair appointed by the IHC. The Chair should be on the House board plan for the duration of their term. The Chair is responsible for relaying pertinent food service changes or food service events to the IHC. Representatives are to be appointed each year by a manner determined by each House.
Section 3.
The FSC shall meet weekly and be attended by a minimum of the Chairman and at least one representative from the food service, preferably the Director of Dining Services. In addition, if desired and available, the Head Faculty in Residence or Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, Campus Life should attend. The purpose of said meetings shall be to discuss general matters and provide a time for consolidating specific individual comments into consistent feedback. This meeting provides a two-way communication to coordinate with the food service all aspects of the food service which affects student life.
Resolution III - House Roompicks
Section 1.
A student eligible for a roompick in more than one House may enter the roompicks for all Houses in which the student is eligible. Once the student has chosen a room, the student must withdraw from all other House roompicks.
Section 1.1 - Regarding Avery
If you have entered another House's Roompicks, you may not enter the Avery House Roompicks. Once you have been generated a number per the Avery Roompicks rules, you may not enter another House's Roompicks; else you will be removed from the Avery Roompicks.
Section 1.2 - Regarding Blacker
If you are also a member of another house, you may participate in the Roompicks of another house provided that the other house allows you to do so. You are responsible for clearing these restrictions before you participate in Blacker Roompicks. If you do pick a room in another house, let the Blacker Secretary know immediately and you will then be removed from Blacker Roompicks.
Section 1.3 - Regarding Dabney
If you have entered another House's Roompicks, you may not enter Dabney House Roompicks. Once you have entered Dabney House Roompicks, you may not enter another House's Roompicks; else you will be removed from the Dabney Roompicks.
Section 1.4 - Regarding Fleming
If you have secured a room in another House before Fleming has had its Roompicks, you will be withdrawn from Fleming Roompicks and your room pick will become invalid. If you have secured a room in Fleming, you will be withdrawn from any further Roompicks.
Section 1.5 - Regarding Lloyd
If you have secured a room in another House before Lloyd has had its Roompicks, you will be withdrawn from Lloyd Roompicks and your card pick will become invalid. If you have secured a room in Lloyd, you will be withdrawn from any further Roompicks.
Section 1.6 - Regarding Page
If you have secured a room in another House before Page has had its Roompicks, you will be withdrawn from Page Roompicks and your card pick will become invalid. If you have secured a room in Page, you will be withdrawn from any further Roompicks.
Section 1.7 - Regarding Ricketts
If you have entered another House's Roompicks, you may not enter the Ricketts House Roompicks. Once you have picked a card as per Ricketts House Roompicks rules, you may not enter another House's Roompicks; else you will be removed from the Ricketts Roompicks.
Section 1.8 - Regarding Venerable
If you have entered another House's Roompicks, you may not enter the Venerable House Roompicks. Once you have been assigned a random number as per Venerable House Roompicks rules, you may not enter another House's Roompicks; else you will be removed from the Venerable Roompicks.
Section 2.
Failure to do so forfeits the student's right to all the room(s) the student has chosen except the first room that the student has picked.
Section 3.
Failure to abide by the Roompicks policies outlined in Section 1 will result in possible penalties from the house whose policies were violated.
Section 4.
This resolution pertains only to Summer and Fall Roompicks - picks which involve the entire campus. It IS permissible to move from one house to another during the year, via the normal process of mid-year roompicks, which are scheduled at the discretion of each House throughout the year.
Resolution IV - Interhouse Athletic Manager
Section 1.
The IHC Athletic Manager shall be appointed by the IHC. The IHC Athletic Manager shall be a liaison between the Athletic Department, the IHC, and the Houses. The IHC Athletic Manager shall also be responsible for presenting a recommendation to IHC about the manner in which athletic disputes between houses shall be resolved.
Section 2.
The IHC Athletic Manager shall procure all athletic awards for the IHC and ASCIT. Athletic awards will be based jointly on guidelines kept by the Athletic Manager and the discretion of the Athletic Department.
Section 3.
The IHC Athletic Manager shall help organize the Discobolus competition and Interhouse athletics with the Athletic Department as necessary. The IHC Athletic Manager shall also maintain current Discobolus and Interhouse standings in some format open to the student body.
Resolution V - Faculty-Student Committees
Section 1.
The IHC with approval from ASCIT appoints students to be members on Faculty-Student Committees as given in ASCIT Bylaws, Article XII, Section 5, ASCIT Resolution V, Sections 2 & 3, and ASCIT Resolution XX, Section 3. The number of student members of a Faculty-Student Committee is dictated by the Faculty Bylaws, Article XII, Section 9.
Section 2.
Faculty-Student Committees that are currently appointed by the IHC, with appointee ratification by the ASCIT BoD, are:
- Athletics and Physical Education (one member and one alternate)
- Computer Advisory (one member and one alternate)
- Convocation (one member and one alternate)
- Educational Outreach (one member and one alternate)
- Foreign Students and Scholars (one member and one alternate)
- Freshman Admissions (six members and two alternates)
- Grievances (two members and one alternate)
- Health (one member and one alternate)
- Institute Art (one member and one alternate)
- Institute Programs (one member and one alternate)
- Parking (one member and one alternate)
- Scholarships and Financial Aid (one member and one alternate)
- Student Housing (two members and one alternate)
- UASH (three members and two alternates)
- Upperclass Admissions (two members and one alternate)
Section 3.
The IHC is responsible for ensuring that all committees under its appointment are effective.
The Secretary shall be responsible for organizing and scheduling regular meetings between the IHC and Faculty-Student Committee student representatives. The IHC shall review activity of all committees at least once a term.
The Secretary shall also be responsible for preserving the Faculty-Student Committee activity logs, ensuring the logs are in possession of the current respective student committee representatives, and that the current student committee representatives update their log.
Resolution VI - Stewardship Committee
Section 1.
The Stewardship Committee is charged with promoting the maintenance of the student Houses as attractive and functioning places to live. The Stewardship Committee shall take concerns about damages in the student Houses and make sure that these damages are adequately addressed, both through the repairs done and the determination of responsibility of the House involved. The committee shall also serve as a general liaison between Housing and the Houses for damage, maintenance, and house improvements. The committee will make recommendations to the IHC regarding policy changes or regulations regarding the physical condition of the Houses.
Section 2.
The committee shall consist of a representative from each of the eight Houses, one representative from Marks and Braun houses, and one representative from the Bechtel residence. Each House will have the responsibility of selecting its own representative in a manner determined by the House. The representatives from Marks and Braun, and Bechtel shall be appointed by the Stewardship Committee. The committee will have two co-chairs: a student selected by the IHC and the Senior Director of Institute Housing. The student members of the committee will oversee the physical aspects of their respective Houses or residences, and work to promote a culture of respect and stewardship of the physical condition of their own Houses or residences.
Section 3.
The primary duty of the Committee will be assignment of charges from damage. The co-chairs of the committee will decide what charges are considered damage and what may be considered normal maintenance or wear and tear, in consultation from the Stewardship Committee. Charges from damage, including incidental and accidental damage, will be charged to houses or to the Bursars accounts of individuals deemed responsible. The committee will meet and discuss charges from damage as it is reported. The committee may decide to charge individuals or entire Houses for damage, based on a simple majority vote. Individuals charged for damage by the Stewardship Committee may appeal to the Dean of Students and/or the Routing Committee. The committee shall work to ensure the Housing office completes repairs in a timely manner.
Section 4.
In the case where the co-chairs of the committee cannot agree on whether a charge is damage or normal wear and tear, they may appeal to a committee consisting of the chair of the Student Housing Committee, the IHC Chairman, and the Vice President for Student Affairs. This appeals committee will make final judgment and has the power to decide what part of any charge shall be paid by the students, and what part should be charged to some other means, if any.
Resolution VII - Avery House
Section 1.
This resolution shall constitute the official IHC policy concerning Avery House and shall be considered in effect immediately upon ratification by the IHC.
Section 2.
Avery shall be a house and shall be governed by a Chancellor.
Resolution VIII - Disciplinary Recommendations
Section 1.
This resolution shall constitute the official IHC policy concerning disciplinary recommendations and shall be considered in effect immediately upon ratification by the IHC.
Section 2.
If a House Executive Committee determines that an individual is a detriment to the house community, the Executive Committee may recommend to the Deans, after review by an RA or RLC, that residential and/or social privileges be removed for that student.
Resolution IX – Publication of Meeting Minutes
Section 1.
This resolution shall constitute the official IHC policy concerning publication of meeting minutes and shall be considered in effect immediately upon passage by the IHC, applying starting with the meeting at which it is adopted.
Section 2.
Minutes of all public meetings of the IHC shall be approved by the IHC and all guests mentioned to have spoken in the minutes and published by the Secretary to the IHC website within 48 hours of the adjournment of the respective meeting or after all relevant sguests have approved.
Section 3.
At the discretion of the IHC, the Secretary shall submit a summarized version of the approved minutes of public meetings to the California Tech (as defined in ASCIT, Inc. Bylaws Article X Section 1) to be published in the issue immediately following the meeting, subject to publication deadline constraints and the discretion of the California Tech Editors (as defined in ASCIT, Inc. Bylaws Article X Section 2).
Section 4.
Minutes of closed IHC meetings, including closed meetings with invited Institute administrators, ASCIT officers, IHC subcommittee members, or other guests, may be published to the IHC website at the discretion of the IHC and invited guests.
Resolution X - Campus-Wide Orange Watch Coordinator
Section 1.
The Campus-Wide Orange Watch Coordinator shall be appointed by the IHC. The Campus-Wide Orange Watch Coordinator shall organize student recruitment and training to the Orange Watch program with administrative offices, the IHC, and the Houses. The Campus-Wide Orange Watch Coordinator shall maintain the current record of Orange Watch trained individuals on campus. The Campus-Wide Orange Watch Coordinator shall assist Houses and individuals in coordinating Orange Watch shifts for events. The Campus-Wide Orange Watch Coordinator is responsible for publicising the list of on-site and on-call Orange Watch before an event.
Resolution XI - Advocacy Committee
Section 1.
The student Advocacy Committee is responsible for identifying and understanding, raising awareness, and seeking solutions regarding Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) issues impacting undergraduates.
Section 2.
The Advocacy Committee is a sub-committee of the IHC and shall consist of a representative from each of the undergraduate Houses, one representative from the Bechtel Residence appointed by the Advocacy Committee, one representative from Marks and Braun houses appointed by the Advocacy Committee, and a Chair appointed by the IHC. Representatives are to be appointed or elected each year by a manner determined by each House.
Section 3.
Members of the committee shall serve as resources within each of their residential communities to give students the opportunity to voice any concerns or questions related to IDEA issues. The Advocacy Committee shall meet biweekly to bring up student concerns and to discuss and identify solutions or resources that match the needs of impacted students. The committee shall also regularly connect with existing student organizations, clubs, and administrative offices to establish a roundtable opportunity for leaders to work collaboratively and combine efforts where appropriate.
Section 4.
The Advocacy Committee shall have access to support resources provided by offices including the Title IX and Equity Office, Center for Inclusion and Diversity, and Counseling Services.