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Rotation Algorithm

The algorithm we are running is a convex penalty algorithm which works in the following manner:

Each first-year student submits an ordered ranking of residences (8 houses and Bechtel). They can only have one first choice, though they may tie subsequent residences. However, their ranking must always be ordinal. For example, a student may rank Booty House first and tie all of the other houses for second. They may not rank Booty House first and tie all of the other houses for ninth. First-year students may elect to receive a house membership for the event if their assigned first year residence is Bechtel.

The Rotation Concerns Committee (RCC, comprised of a dean, the ORE director, the director of Residential Experience, the ADA coordinator, the CCID director, and the IHC Chair) will go through all concerns (including ADA needs) and place students in rooms. The RCC will do the best it can to respect house wishes. The algorithm is run for the remaining students in two stages:

Students will be sorted using a convex penalty algorithm. The algorithm overall works to minimize the total penalty. The penalty is calculated by squaring the prefrosh ranking of the house they end up in. There are also some additional conditions the algorithm takes into consideration in producing a final solution: it accounts for gender inclusivity, gender balance, and maximizing the % each house fills.

The IHC and VPSA will choose between the remaining choices of equal penalty in a closed meeting.