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Rotation Schedule

Individual dinner schedules will be posted here, and are also located on the Olive Walk and Moore Walk. If you have any conflicts or are unable to make an assigned dinner time, please contact the IHC Secretary or the House's President, whose information can be found here. The End of Rotation Preferences form will is due on the last day of Rotation (Wednesday, 10/2) at 10:00pm.

Big Events

A table containing the dates and times as well as the title of each House event during Rotation.

Daily Schedule

Please attend dinners/lunch at the house you have been assigned to for that dinner. You are welcome to attend dinner at any house for Free dinners. Desserts are unassigned, so you are welcome to visit whichever house you wish for the dessert.

House dinners

Note: The times listed below indicate the start of the reception at each house. Food will be served 30 minutes after the times listed.


Desserts are on Wednesday 9/25, Thursday 9/26, Monday 9/30, and Tuesday 10/1.

  • Desserts will be held at 9:30PM.

Master Schedule

Master schedule for all events