Resources During Rotation
You can find the contact information (email, room #) of all student resources on ASCIT Donut, which is updated by each House: We recommend spending some time exploring the ASCIT Donut website. There are many useful features including the Directory, Course Scheduler/Planner, and more!
Peer Advocates (PAs)
PAs are a group of dedicated students trained in mental health who look out for and emotionally support the student body. If you have any concerns over rotation or life at Caltech, need to discuss an issue, or want some advice, please consider coming to a PA. They really do care about you and can direct you to the right resources to get the help you need. There are many PAs in every house; look for an identifying sign or plaque by the door. If you're unable to find someone or want to contact someone directly, you can talk to one of the Head PAs (students who organize the PAs in each house), and they can help you connect with a PA or other resource.
- Avery: Jude McLean -
- Blacker: Makoa Inciong -
- Dabney: Thanhthanh Nguyen -
- Fleming: Sujay Champati -
- Lloyd: Jenni Solgaard -
- Page: Avi Sundaresan -
- Ricketts: Lana Lubecke -
- Venerable: Sophie Dalfonzo -
Health Advocates (HAs)
The Health Ads are students who can perform everything from emergency first aid to more mundane things (such as bandaging cuts or providing cough drops/simple over the counter medicines). Usually health ads also have menstrual products and condoms available for anyone. If you ever need a health ad, ask any upperclassmen, and they should be able to direct you to one. Alternatively, yell "HEALTH AD" at the top of your lungs. This is shockingly effective.
Advocacy Committee
The Advocacy Committee (AdComm) is a student group that addresses issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. AdComm has a Representative from each House, and we meet on a biweekly basis to address concerns as a group. Don't hesitate to reach out to the Chair or a Representative about any issue that you (or a peer) is facing, and we will help you find the right resources or people to resolve your issue. If there aren't resources in place, we are here to advocate for a solution that addresses your needs. You can contact all of AdComm at or find our information on Donut.
- AdComm Chair: Sanvi Pal
- Avery Rep: Tuyako Khristoforova -
- Blacker Rep: Mars Arechavala -
- Dabney Rep: Melissa Foster -
- Fleming Rep: Camilla Power -
- Lloyd Rep: Ama Obeng -
- Page Rep: Tami Soyebo -
- Ricketts Rep: none
- Venerable Rep: Umran Koca -
Equity & Title IX Advocates
The Equity and Title IX Advocates are students trained to be accessible resources for Caltech community members seeking information or support around issues relating to equity, inclusivity, sexual harassment, sexual assault, or other forms of discrimination. An Equity and Title IX Advocate is not a confidential resource. Instead, an Advocate is a great "first stop" to get support and to learn about your rights and options.
The Interhouse Committee (IHC)
The IHC is the committee to ask any questions you have about the process of Rotation. If you have questions about whether you can make up a dinner, concerns you have about certain Houses or other students, or potential Rotation violations, feel free to reach out to the IHC (, individual contacts listed here). You can also ask Presidents about their individual Houses.
During Rotation, we will have meetings on the Olive Walk, on Wednesday (9/25) at 12pm, Friday (9/27) at 12pm and Tuesday (8/1) at 12pm!
Administrative Resources
The RAs, RLCs, and Deans are good resources to speak with if you have a serious concern about another first year student, upperclass student, or residence.
Office of Student Experience
The Office of Student Experience was created in order to help the IHC manage Rotation, as well as to create a more streamlined process for event registration. The OSE consists of the Residential Experience Team (includes a Director, Resident Associates and Residential Life Coordinators), staff members in Student Activities & Programs, a Finance and Operations Team, and Faculty who live in Residence. If you have a serious concern about another first-year, upperclassmen, or residence, you can contact the OSE ( or the Residential Life Coordinators ( The head of the office is Felicia Hunt ( and the Residential Experience director is Vanessa Tejada ( who are also available to answer questions or concerns.
More information on the administrative resources available to you can be found on the OSE website. the OSE website.
Counseling and Health Center
The Counseling Center is a great resource if you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed about the Rotation process or starting classes. All of the counselors are confidential resources. The Health Center is the place to go if you're feeling physically sick. It's free for all Caltech students, even if you do not have Caltech insurance. Both the Health and Counseling Center are located on 1239 Arden Road. You are welcome to call Counseling Services and be connected to a counselor at 626-395-8331 (press "2" when prompted for after-hours support).
To file a Care Referral, the form can be found here. Note that this form is for non-urgent concerns. If you need an emergency response, please directly call Campus Security (626-395-5000) or Counseling Services for assistance.
Equity and Title IX Office
The Equity and Title IX office is the place to go if you feel you are facing any discrimination based on race, national origin, ethnicity, sex, pregnancy, gender, sexuality, disability, and more. If you feel uncomfortable for any reason in any climate (including a residence, classroom, social space, or lab), the Equity and Title IX Office can support you. If you have any questions or issues, you can reach out to Ofelia Velazquez-Perez (, the Deputy Title IX Coordinator. You are also welcome to reach out to Pilar Montinegro (, the Campus Sexual Violence Advocate and a confidential resource.
To report a concern to the Equity and Title IX Office, information about the Online Report Form is located here.
Center for Inclusion & Diversity (CCID)
The Caltech Center for Inclusion & Diversity provides resources that support a variety of student identities. They host educational events and affinity spaces that relate to race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality. You are welcome to reach out to any of the CCID staff members at any time (